Gum disease, according to studies by the Centers for Disease Control, is incredibly widespread. Half of adults over the age of 35 are estimated to experience some form of the disease. Without treatment, the advanced stage, known as periodontitis, has been linked to adult tooth loss. Fortunately, we can treat gum disease in the early stages to manage it and protect your smile from periodontitis.
Frequently Asked Questions About Treating Gum Disease
Question: How do I recognize possible warning signs?
Answer: You should pay attention to any changes to your gums. For example, should they become sore or appear more red than usual, this could be assign of inflammation. In addition, bleeding when you brush and floss could also be an indicator of periodontal issues.
Question: What is a scaling and root planing?
Answer: A scaling and root planing is a deep cleaning that removes plaque from the teeth and from the roots. The procedure can take between one and four visits, and can also help reverse gingivitis and successfully manage gum disease, protecting your smile from the advanced stages.
Question: Do you offer anti-bacterial rinses?
Answer: We do! The anti-bacterial rinse targets the harmful bacteria responsible for the onset of inflammation, as well as gum disease. We can recommend this option as a way to address the early stages of the disease.
Question: How do dental lasers help?
Answer: Using dental lasers, we can remove infected tissue from the tooth. Doing so helps prevent periodontal disease from reaching the advanced stages. Using dental lasers also means a faster healing time, little to no need for anesthesia, a lower risk of infection, and no bleeding afterward. If you have any questions about treating gum disease, then please contact our office today.
To learn more, schedule a consultation online, or call our office today at (847) 230-9703.