Why Invisalign Is Perfect For Summer

Summer is here, and we are so excited about all the warmer days ahead. Many of our patients are considering starting Invisalign treatment this summer to straighten their smiles. If you are interested in learning more about why summer is a great time to begin Invisalign treatment, keep reading below.

Cosmetic Dentist Arlington Heights IL

Invisalign is discreet.

With family reunions, Sunday brunches, and beach vacations coming up soon, it’s no surprise patients are hoping to look their best this summer. By straightening your crooked teeth, you will be on your way toward your dream smile. You may be thinking how can an orthodontic treatment option be something worth pursuing in the middle of summer… Well, the answer is simple. Invisalign is a discreet alternative to traditional orthodontics. The clear, plastic aligners are completely see-through, meaning no one will know that you are undergoing treatment unless you remove the aligners in front of them. Summer is a great time to begin orthodontic treatment with Invisalign because you will be able to pursue your dream smile without anyone noticing.

Invisalign is removable.

Perhaps one of the best things about summer is all of your favorite summer snacks. Whether you are enjoying corn on the cob, cheese crackers on the beach, or mid-hike granola bar, you don’t have to worry about missing out on all of your favorite summer snacks with Invisalign. This is because Invisalign consists of a set of removable aligners. Traditional orthodontic solutions usually require patients to have metal brackets and wires attached to their dental structures for the entire duration of their treatment. This means they often must avoid overtly sticky or crunchy foods until their treatment is complete. With Invisalign, you don’t have to worry about any dietary restrictions this summer. You can simply remove your aligner to eat, drink, or brush your teeth.

Invisalign is effective.

Invisalign provides patients with the same beautiful end results that they would get with other orthodontic options. Best suited for patients treating mild to moderate orthodontic concerns, as long as patients wear their aligners on average of 20-22 hours a day, their treatment plan will progress as intended. On average, patients undergo Invisalign treatment for 6 months to a year. This means that if you begin your Invisalign treatment this summer, your dream smile could be complete just in time for next summer. If you are considering starting your Invisalign treatment, now is a great time to schedule an appointment with Dr. Engelberg. We look forward to seeing you soon!