During this difficult time, we want to remind our dental patients to maintain their oral and physical health. A healthy diet can not only contribute to a healthier mind and body but also healthier teeth and gums. Read on to learn about the tips to keep your teeth, gums, and body happy and healthy.
Tips for Improving Your Diet and Oral Health
Avoid Sugary Foods and Drinks
The same bacteria that cause tooth decay feed on sugar. A diet that is high in sugar can be a risk factor when it comes to tooth decay. After eating something sugary it is important to clean your mouth. Chewing a piece of sugar-free gum can also help wash residual sugar out of the mouth and clean teeth. Sugary foods and drinks are okay in moderation; an occasional sweet treat won’t do you any harm. However, it is important to clean your mouth after eating or drinking sugary products. Fruits are rich in nutrients but they are also rich in sugar. It is important to brush your teeth whether you’re eating candy or fruit because the sugar can cause tooth decay in both cases.
Enjoy Dairy Products If You Can
Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt are rich sources of calcium and protein. These are great at strengthening teeth. Cultured dairy such as yogurt can give an extra benefit. The probiotic nature of cultured foods helps good bacteria to crowd out bad decay-causing bacteria in your mouth.
Remember to Eat Your Vegetables
Vegetables are a great source of nutrients and minerals you need. Leafy greens such as spinach are rich in folic acid, a nutrient that has been shown to reduce tooth decay. These green vegetables also contain calcium, which strengthens bones, teeth included. Crunchy vegetables such as carrots and celery have high water content and help clean out sugars and bacteria. Their crunchy texture also scrapes teeth clean as you chew.
Call AH Smiles Today
If you are in need of comfortable dental care, call (847) 230-9703, or schedule an appointment at AH Smiles. In the meantime, stay safe and healthy. We look forward to seeing you at your next appointment.