Are Root Canals Painful?

Many patients believe that undergoing root canal treatment is highly painful. However, root canals relieve pain from tooth decay. While patients may need pain medication following procedures like a root canal, they will no longer feel the pain and discomfort from a tooth infection. Root canal treatment removes decayed nerves, cells, and blood vessels within the tooth and then seals it to preserve its structure. A root canal treatment from your dentist in Arlington Heights, IL, can save your natural tooth and relieve pain from tooth decay.

Are Root Canals Painful?

Root Canal FAQs From Your Dentist in Arlington Heights, IL

Read more about root canals to learn more about this procedure: 

What are the signs that I need a root canal?

It is important to know the symptoms of dental infections before it’s too late. Common signs of tooth decay can include:

  • Persistent tooth pain
  • Swollen gums
  • Tooth sensitivity to temperature

If you experience these symptoms, please get in touch with our office. We will examine your smile and plan treatment if you need a root canal.

Do I need a root canal or a tooth extraction?

When you visit our office with signs of cavities or tooth decay, we will examine your smile to determine the extent of your tooth damage. We recommend a root canal if the dental pulp inside your tooth is infected. However, if your tooth is extremely worn or damaged, and we cannot save the structure of your tooth, we will need to remove your tooth.

Why would I need a crown after a root canal?

We recommend dental crowns following root canal treatment for patients with worn-down teeth. A dental crown is a cap that fully covers single teeth. Receiving a dental crown after a root canal also prevents an unbalanced bite. Worn teeth can create discomfort when biting or chewing and may lead to TMJ disorders and further tooth damage.

How do I brush my teeth after a root canal?

You can brush and floss regularly after root canal treatment, but you must wait at least 24 hours before brushing. Use a soft-bristled brush when brushing, and do not brush aggressively or directly on the treatment site. Brush around the treated tooth or teeth. 

Can you eat solid food after a root canal?

We recommend eating soft foods like yogurt, eggs, and pasta directly after your root canal. Eating soft foods will minimize pain in and around the treated tooth. Once you receive your permanent crown, you can begin to incorporate more foods into your diet.

Do you want to know more about the root canal process? Call AH Smiles for a consultation today at (847) 230-9703. Feel free to request a dental appointment with Dr. Brent Engelberg on our website. Please let us know if you have questions about root canal treatment; we will happily answer them.