Answering Questions About Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are caps that improve the appearance of teeth and protect them from further damage. Crowns fully cover teeth with natural-looking, durable porcelain that blends in with other natural teeth. Our dental office provides dental crown treatment in Arlington Heights, IL, to help patients restore their smiles. We welcome patients to learn more about what dental crowns can do for injured, worn teeth.

Q&A: Dental Crown Treatment in Arlington Heights, IL

Read answers to commonly asked questions about dental crowns:

What can dental crowns treat?

There are many ways crowns can treat teeth. Dental crowns can cover:

  • Weakened teeth
  • Severely worn-down teeth
  • Teeth with large dental fillings
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Dental implants for missing teeth

Dental crowns can also support traditional dental bridges that replace rows of consecutive missing teeth.

Can food get stuck under a crown?

Food can only get stuck under a crown if the crown is damaged or loose. Please let us know as soon as you feel a change in the comfort of your dental crown. If food is stuck underneath a crown, it will attract harmful bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease. These problems can affect the tooth beneath the crown and the surrounding gum tissue.

Is a dental crown treatment painful?

The dental crown treatment itself is not painful. However, patients may feel discomfort after treatment. We will recommend pain medication after the anesthesia wears off, so patients feel minimal sensitivity. Avoiding hard and crunchy foods directly after treatment will also prevent further pain.

How much tooth is required for a dental crown?

Patients need at least two millimeters, or at least 1/4 of their natural tooth structure above the gums, to receive a dental crown. The tooth must be healthy enough to support a dental crown.

Do I need a root canal before a dental crown treatment?

Some patients benefit from dental crowns after their root canal treatment because crowns provide more support and protection for a weakened tooth. However, patients who have worn or damaged but healthy teeth can also receive crowns.

Why should you choose porcelain crowns over metal crowns?

While traditional metal dental crowns are strong, they stick out in the mouth, even if they cover the back molars, as they can show when you’re eating. Porcelain crowns are color-matched to adjacent natural teeth so they can easily blend in with the smile. Crowns made of porcelain can provide improved aesthetics and durability, especially for teeth near the front of the mouth.

What do you need to do and avoid after you receive a dental crown?

You should avoid chewing while your mouth is still numb after crown treatment. Do not eat hard, chewy, or sticky foods directly after crown treatment because it can cause pain and discomfort. We recommend a warm saltwater rinse, brushing, and flossing. However, we caution patients to floss gently.

Do you want to know more about treatment with dental crowns? Contact our office today at (847) 230-9703 or request a dental appointment with Dr. Brent Engelberg online. Let us know if you have any questions about your candidacy for treatment or crown treatment itself.